About Improvement Opportunities (IO)

What is an Improvement Opportunity?

An improvement opportunity is anything you see that you believe could be done in a better, more sustainable, safer and/or more efficient way. It could be wholly safety related where your suggestion prevents an incident or accident, or it could be an idea that has the potential to improve the entire business. Submitting an IO is your opportunity to make Octavius Infrastructure better for our customers, our suppliers, our employees, and anyone who comes in to contact with our works.

Improvement Opportunities have been split in to 2 types:
• Project Related Opportunities - anything identified on a site with no wider business benefits, such as a close call or near miss
• Business Improvement - an idea with wider implications to the business and a benefit that can be rolled out across several projects

Why should you raise an Improvement Opportunity?

Improvement Opportunities are a way for the business to understand underlying trends. They allow the SHEA team to forecast where to focus their energies to ensure we continue to work safely. They are an open voice into the business for all who interact with us. They are the easiest and quickest way for you to be heard across the entire business.

What happens to Improvement Opportunities you raise?

Your IO is submitted to a reviewer based upon either the project the IO was raised against or the category you selected. They will be notified by email that they have a new submission to review. If you ticked the box to request a response, the reviewer then has the option to enter a reply to your IO. You will be notified of this reply by email, allowing you to see the response you've been given.
Reviewers also have the option to add notes to any IO submitted to them, allowing them to keep their own records of how an IO has been progressed after receiving it.
Every IO raised is also read each month by the Improvement Opportunity Peer Review Panel. The panel runs through the entire list of submissions for the month and selects a number for closer investigation, escalation, or as part of an identified trend of submissions. A few IO are added to the IO Dashboard for sharing as they have learning that can be adopted across the business.

How can you request changes to the Improvement Opportunity system?

By raising a Business Improvement IO and selecting the 'Improvement Opportunities' category!
